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Category: vBulletin 4.x Template Modifications
vBulletin Blog - how to put an "Edit Button" in the article blog next to "Report Button"

hi there,

because alot of my members were asking how to edit their articles i use this edit, because the only way "in the default vb4 style" to edit an article is to put the mouse on the title article and click on the pencil!

this is how to put an "Edit Button" next to the "Report Button" in the article blog

search in blog_show_entry template for:
<ul class="entrycontrols">

add below it:
<vb:if condition="$show['editentry']">
<li><a href="blog_post.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=editblog&amp;b={vb:raw bloginfo.blogid}" class="edit_blog"><img src="images/buttons/edit_40b.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase edit_blog_entry}" id="entry_edit_{vb:raw bloginfo.blogid}" /> {vb:rawphrase edit_blog_entry}</a>
<li class="separator">|</li></li>

that's it :), please don't forget to click INSTALL

- change the icon to the default "black" one.
- remove un-needed codes.


any demo??

updated screen shot.

- when you post an article into vb4 blog, there's no "edit button" with the control button, and the only way to edit an article/entry is to put the mouse on the entry title then click on the pencil icon!

Working and installed

4.1 PL2

Edit: Does anyone know that this is the ONLY mod released to help improve the blogs? :eek:

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